East Greenland
What can only be described as the trip of my lifetime. East Greenland is one of the most remote corners of the world and a place that is still haunting me in the most beautiful of ways.
71.7069° N, 42.6043° W
It’s hard to describe the feeling of existing inside your dream. Greenland onboard Ponant’s Le Commandant Charcot Allowed us to reach some of the most remote areas of our polar regions on Earth, which are said to be less trampled than the soil of the moon.
Following in the footsteps of the first scientific polar explorations whose aim was to gain knowledge of these extreme environments and all those who inhabit them. Today, we understand their importance for the future of our planet.
Days filled with adventure and polar exploration, meeting Inuit peoples, and visiting remote villages to experience their culture. Greenland holds unadulterated beauty. This polar exploration vessel represents the quintessence of our dreams of the absolute; a once in a lifetime experience.
Images captured in 2022.