Working with Intrepid Travel, Gadventures & Om People Yoga.
"A stint in India will beat the restlessness out of any living creature" - Yann Martel, Life of Pi.
20° 00’ N, 77° 00’ E.
The colour in everything will never look the same. Taste and smell will be intertwined in the sweetest and deadliest way. Your hands will be dirty, your hair messy, your heart full. You’ve never been overloaded with information for every single second of every single moment like this before. Yet staring into those eyes deeper than the ocean, marvelling at that architecture and the ancient intricate designs, feeling the warmth and blessings coming from every direction will completely overwhelm you. It will engulf and consume you. You will feel the heat (both in the country and in the food), the cows will wander beside you, monkeys will cheekily entertain you, the streets are rich, smelly and noisy; a celebratory feast for all of your senses.
You’ve never seen beauty like this before; INDIA.
Images captured on multiple sojourns, 2017 - 2018 & 2024.